From the introduction:
“It is refreshing to come across
someone who knows about a lot of
things, who’s been to many places, and
who can wear their knowledge well. The
word dilettante (from the Italian word
dilettare, meaning “to delight”) was
used to describe the daily activities
of some upper class English gentlemen.
A dilettante dabbled in many
subjects—from Renaissance painting to
classical sculpture to French poetry.
He was a generalist. He had roving
sensibilities and followed a subject
simply for the sake of acquiring the
knowledge.It takes the sensibility of a
dilettante to create elegant eclectic
rooms. Eclectic rooms do not have an
immediate impact, like an all-white
room or a rustic cottage might have.
It takes some time to absorb the
intention of the mix. These rooms are
personal. They are the result of a
unique set of experiences and
knowledge and the result of careful
editing and thoughtful choices. There
are no rules—only the sensibility and
confidence of the designer. And unlike
simpler looks that can be put together
quickly, an elegant eclecticism needs
time to evolve. Unfortunately, we live
in a world of specialists rather than
By Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz
Rockport Publishers